It’s a new era for Harley-Davidson® products and it’s about time you got your own kids excited about riding motorized bikes. Maybe not motorcycles, per se. You probably will need to wait another decade before they’re ready to start riding the big cruisers on their own, but if you want them to start learning the fundamentals of coordination and balance, consider checking out the IRONe™ series!

This brand new bike from Harley-Davidson is an off-road motorcycle built for children ages 3-7. Whether they enjoy racing or just some fun thrills on the trails, these are the bikes to get your kid excited about riding. To see them for yourself, stop by Barnes Harley-Davidson in Langley, Victoria, and Kamloops, British Columbia. We’ll help you find the perfect model for your child and even give you some pointers on how to introduce them to this new world.

High-Quality Features Built for Younger Riders

Lightweight Aluminum Frame

17 and 19 pounds. That’s how much the IRONe12™ and IRONe16™ weigh. It’s an unheard of weight, even for youth bikes. Many of the competitors’ bikes weigh at least 50 pounds, which can be difficult for young riders to handle and dangerous if they tip over.

They’ll have more fun with a bike that’s more nimble and manageable for them and you’ll love what it means for your pocketbook. 

Twist Throttle

With 3 selectable power modes, the twist throttle is easy to use and control. It’s a good introduction for the twist models they’ll encounter on bigger bikes and makes it easy to manage power output. 

Ultra-Low Seat Height

To accommodate some of the shorter riders, Harley-Davidson has provided one of the lowest seat heights in the industry. This will make it easier for them to reach the foot pedals and balance the bike when they’re stopped. It’ll inspire confidence and simply be more comfortable.

Quick-Change Lithium Ion Battery

For you, you’ll appreciate the quick-change lithium ion battery to give you an easier ownership experience and simpler maintenance responsibilities. It charges in less than an hour and uses a similar technology to power tools, which is why it’s so easy to change out the batteries. 

In other words, did you forget to charge the battery of the bike overnight? No worries! Just start charging it first thing in the morning so your kid is ready to go when you guys hit the dirt. 

For the First Time Riders

For some of our youngest, most inexperienced riders, you’ll want to turn to the IRONe12™. These models offer you the option of switching between powered and non-powered mode, so they can start on something they have full control over and then pack in the power when they’re more comfortable. You can even crank the power up a little more once they’re used to life behind the handlebars for some extra fun! 

Your child should have an inseam (the seam of the pants on the inside of the leg) of 14-20” to ride the IRONe12™. 

The Next Step Up

If your child is a little taller or more experienced, you might want to start looking at the IRONe16™. There are still a lot of great features to help them get used to the bike if they’re still not confident, like a non-powered mode. But once you do kick on the power, you can take the experience to new levels. They’re the best choice for some of our older riders who need more leg room and a bigger challenge.

Your child should have an inseam of 18-24” to ride the IRONe16™.

Now’s the time to start introducing your child to the world of motorcycle riding, and now for the first time, you can also share your love for Harley-Davidson motorcycles. Maybe one day when they’re older, you’ll even be able to pass down your H-D bike to them. But first, you’ll need to find them the right IRONe™ bike. When you and your child are ready to start checking out one of these models, stop by Barnes Harley-Davidson for a test ride. You’ll find us in Langley, Victoria, and Kamloops, British Columbia, as well as South Edmonton, Alberta.